A privacy aware domain registration service.
When you buy a domain in our system, we're actually purchasing it for ourselves. However, you will still have the full control over the domain name. You can either use our information, our nameservers or you can go with your custom data.
Use webtask for …
Serverless Applications
Run server-side code for your JavaScript and native applications. Just worry about your code.
Programmable Webhooks
Run code on each Stripe Payment, a GitHub Push, or any webhook, without setting up servers.
Multi Tenant Sandbox
Allow your customers to extend your product using Node.js code instead of creating your own DSL.
CodeScene identifies patterns in the evolution of your code. This gives you the power to predict its future and to find the code that is hard to evolve and prone to defects. The investigation takes only minutes but saves you from future limitations, bottlenecks or maintenance issues.
CodeScene gives you a better understanding of your software systems. Here are just a few of all the questions that CodeScene will help you find answers to:
Which part of the code might become productivity bottlenecks?
Which parts of the code will be hard to maintain?
What is the technical risk when a key developer leaves the project?
Which parts of the code should we improve to get a real productivity and quality gain?
How is the knowledge distribution between teams in your codebase?
With API.AI, you can create conversational scenarios within minutes, then build advanced dialogues to manage the conversation flow with the user. Once you build your agent, you can integrate it with SDKs or use our one-click integration modules. When your product is launched, it constantly improves with machine learning and can be updated in real-time based on user interactions.
Curated list of best tools for launching your website. Find how to get the best hosting, cheapest domain, files storage, monitoring and more.
I love newsletters, but I hate receiving e-mails. Call me an oldie, but I still use RSS feeds to read my news and e-mails for communication. And I prefer to keep those two separate.
Unfortunately, as newsletters have become popular, there are some great readings that are not available through RSS anymore. Kill the newsletter! exists to fill this gap.
This service converts newsletters into RSS feeds.
Run a free website speed test from multiple locations around the globe using real browsers (IE and Chrome) and at real consumer connection speeds. You can run simple tests or perform advanced testing including multi-step transactions, video capture, content blocking and much more. Your results will provide rich diagnostic information including resource loading waterfall charts, Page Speed optimization checks and suggestions for improvements.
Increase your form conversions by fixing common usability issues
Enter a URL. FormLinter will find a form on the page and let you know if it can be improved.
Auth0 is a service that abstracts how users authenticate to applications.
You can connect any application (written in any language or on any stack) to Auth0 and define its Connection, the method used to authenticate the users of that application:
Custom credentials: username + passwords
Social network logins: Google, Facebook, Twitter, and any OAuth2, OAuth1 or OpenID Connect provider
Enterprise directories: LDAP, Google Apps, Office 365, ADFS, AD, SAML-P, WS-Federation, etc.
Passwordless systems: TouchID, one time codes on SMS, or email
Natural Language Interface for apps and devices. Build bots easily. You tell us what your user said, we tell you what your bot should do next. Your users give us voice or text, you get back structured data. It's that simple.
Tutanota is an open-source end-to-end encrypted email software and freemium hosted secure email service based on this software
Instantly build and ship code anywhere in one consistent process for your entire team.
Cron Monitoring. Get Notified When Your Cron Jobs Fail.
Make a HTTP GET request to this address from your cron job, daemon, script or long running task. When this address is not requested for a set time period, you will get alerted. Below are snippets that are ready to be copy/pasted into your own scripts.
Looks good to me (LGTM) is the most popular comment on Github, perhaps. But LGTM is boring. So we spice it up with some images.
I built securityheaders.io after deploying security headers like CSP and HSTS to my own site. I wanted a quick and easy way to check if other sites were using these headers and I figured I'd turn it into a useful tool for everyone to use!
There are services out there that will analyse the HTTP response headers of other sites but I also wanted to add a rating system to the results. The HTTP response headers that this site analayses provide huge levels of protection and it's important that sites deploy them. Hopefully, by providing an easy mechanism to assess them, and further information on how to deploy missing headers, we can drive up the usage of security based headers across the web.
Differentiate HTTP headers and content body of two GET URLs.