Shumway is an HTML5 technology experiment that explores building a faithful and efficient renderer for the SWF file format without native code assistance.
Everybody can create flippable, digital documents with MegaZine3 in a breeze :
eBooks, magazines, catalogues, reports, photo books or alike.
Present the result either with a free APP (Windows/OSx PC).
Or show it in any browser (Javascript/HTML5 or Flash).
Convert PDFs with a single click and add video, images, animation, sound and links.
Or add those “elements” directly on empty pages without a PDF.
The Zero Clipboard library provides an easy way to copy text to the clipboard using an invisible Adobe Flash movie, and a JavaScript interface. The "Zero" signifies that the library is invisible and the user interface is left entirely up to you.
SWFObject 2 offers two optimized Flash Player embed methods; a markup based approach and a method that relies on JavaScript & offers a JavaScript API that aims to provide a complete tool set for embedding SWF files and retrieving Flash Player related information
sIFR is meant to replace short passages of plain browser text with text rendered in your typeface of choice, regardless of whether or not your users have that font installed on their systems. It accomplishes this by using a combination of javascript, CSS, and Flash