likelike-online : The tiniest MMORPG. Choose an avatar and hang out with your friends in a virtual version of LIKELIKE a videogame gallery in Pittsburgh, PA.
This proje...
RethinkDB : RethinkDB is the first open-source, scalable JSON database built from the ground up for the realtime web. It inverts the traditional database architec...
Feathers : Feathers is a real-time, micro-service web framework for NodeJS that gives you control over your data via RESTful resources, sockets and flexible plug...
tmate : Tmate is a fork of tmux. It provides an instant pairing / sharing solution for the terminal.
(fluxus) : A 3D game engine for livecoding worlds into existence.
Fluxus is a rapid prototyping, playing and learning environment for 3D graphics, sound and game...
IanniX is a graphical open source sequencer, based on Iannis Xenakis works, for digital art. IanniX syncs via Open Sound Control (OSC) events and curves to your real-time environment.