PHP Insights was carefully crafted to simplify the analysis of your code directly from your terminal, and is the perfect starting point to analyze the code quality of your PHP projects.
Sick and tired of defending code quality over and over again? GrumPHP will do it for you! This composer plugin will register some git hooks in your package repository. When somebody commits changes, GrumPHP will run some tests on the committed code. If the tests fail, you won't be able to commit your changes. This handy tool will not only improve your codebase, it will also teach your co-workers to write better code following the best practices you've determined as a team.
GrumPHP has a set of common tasks built-in. You will be able to use GrumPHP with a minimum of configuration.
This is JSHint, a tool that helps to detect errors and potential problems in your JavaScript code.
Developed at Twitter to support our internal styleguide, RECESS is a simple, attractive code quality tool for CSS built on top of LESS.
Incorporate it into your development process as a linter, or integrate it directly into your build system as a compiler, RECESS will keep your source looking clean and super managable.
A JavaScript Code Quality Tool. JSHint is a tool that helps to detect errors and potential problems in your JavaScript code.
Sonar is an open platform to manage code quality.
CSS Lint points out problems with your CSS code. It does basic syntax checking as well as applying a set of rules to the code that look for problematic patterns or signs of inefficiency. The rules are all pluggable, so you can easily write your own or omit ones you don't want.
What PHPMD does is: It takes a given PHP source code base and look for several potential problems within that source. These problems can be things like: Possible bugs, Suboptimal code, Overcomplicated expressions, Unused parameters, methods, properties
The JavaScript Code Quality Tool