Izanami : Izanami is a shared configuration, feature flipping and A/B testing service perfectly well suited for micro services environment written in scala and ...
extramuros : This is software for collaborative live coding. On one machine, you run an extramuros "server". Then, from as many machines as you like, you use a web...
imgproxy : imgproxy is a fast and secure standalone server for resizing and converting remote images. The main principles of imgproxy are simplicity, speed, and ...
GoAccess : GoAccess is an open source real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal in *nix systems or through your browser.
It provi...
picfit : picfit is a reusable Go server to manipulate images (resize, thumbnail, etc.).
It will act as a proxy on your storage engine and will be served ideall...
Growth Book is an open source experimentation platform designed for companies that want to bring A/B testing in-house, but don't want to build it themselves.