Neutrino : Neutrino is a companion tool which lets you build web and Node.js applications with shared presets or configurations. It intends to make the process o...
Figproxy : Figproxy is a tool that enables rapid prototyping of tangible user experiences allowing Figma prototypes to talk to the external world.
More specifica...
Gitpod : Gitpod is an open-source Kubernetes application providing fully-baked, collaborative development environments in your browser - powered by VS Code.
Nx : Nx is a smart and extensible build framework to help you architect, test, and build at any scale — integrating seamlessly with modern technologies and...
Lens : Lens is an IDE to take control of your Kubernetes clusters.
PlatformIO is an open source ecosystem for IoT development
Cross-platform build system. Continuous and IDE integration. Arduino and MBED compatible