Bitrise - Mobile Continuous Integration and Delivery : Mobile Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) Platform as a Service (PaaS). It is a collection of tools and services to help you with the develop...
React Native : React Native lets you build mobile apps using only JavaScript. It uses the same design as React, letting you compose a rich mobile UI from declarative...
Appium : Appium is an open source test automation framework for use with native, hybrid and mobile web apps.
It drives iOS and Android apps using the WebDriver...
Sonar : Sonar is a platform for debugging mobile apps on iOS and Android. Visualize, inspect, and control your apps from a simple desktop interface. Use Sonar...
Flutter : Flutter is Google’s mobile UI framework for crafting high-quality native interfaces on iOS and Android in record time. Flutter works with existing cod...
fastlane is the tool to release your iOS and Android app.
It handles all tedious tasks, like generating screenshots, dealing with code signing, and releasing your application.