Hoppscotch : A free, online, open source API request builder
Prisma : Prisma turns your database into a powerful GraphQL API which you can either use to build your own GraphQL server or connect to it directly from the fr...
Browsershot : This PHP package can convert a webpage to an image or pdf. The conversion is done behind the scenes by Puppeteer which controls a headless version of ...
mountebank : mountebank is the first open source tool to provide cross-platform, multi-protocol test doubles over the wire. Simply point your application under tes...
WWW SQL Designer : WWW SQL Designer allows users to create database designs, which can be saved/loaded and exported to SQL scripts. Various databases and languages are s...
YOURLS stands for Your Own URL Shortener. It is a small set of PHP scripts that will allow you to run your own URL shortening service (a la TinyURL or bitly).