QtWeb Internet Browser : QtWeb is a fast, lightweight and portable browser with some unique UI and privacy features. QtWeb is an open source project based on Nokia's Qt framew...
Audacity : Audacity est un logiciel libre, gratuit et multi-plateforme pour l'enregistrement et l'édition de sons.
Ovidentia : Ovidentia vous permet d'intégrer simplement et facilement un environnement de publication sur internet ou un portail groupware (internet, extranet, in...
ImmortalDB : ImmortalDB is the best way to store persistent key-value data in the browser. Data saved to ImmortalDB is redundantly stored in Cookies, IndexedDB, Lo...
Pingendo : The simplest app for Bootstrap prototyping. Create quality HTML prototypes quickly, using popular open source tools like Bootstrap, LESS, Fontawesome ...
Arora is a lightweight cross-platform web browser. It's free (as in free speech and free beer). Arora runs on Linux, embedded Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, Windows, Haiku, and any other platforms supported by the Qt toolkit.