This is my jam. : A place to put your favorite song of the moment & hear great music, handpicked every day by friends.
SoundCloud : SoundCloud lets you move music fast & easy. The platform takes the daily hassle out of receiving, sending & distributing music for artists, record lab...
Soundgrain : Soundgrain is a graphical interface where users can draw and edit trajectories to control granular sound synthesis. Soundgrain is written with Python/...
Glicol : make music with code. connect different nodes like a synth, sequencer or sampler.
Droneboy : Drone music application for Gameboy. Droneboy creates endless tones or drones on the Gameboys four channels. You can manipulate volume, duty and frequ...
ixi audio is an experimental project concerned with the creation of digital musical instruments and environments for generative music.