Rainbow : Rainbow is a code syntax highlighting library written in Javascript.
It was designed to be lightweight (1.4kb), easy to use, and extendable.
It is com...
polyfill : polyfill makes web development less frustrating by selectively polyfilling just what the browser needs. Use it on your own site, or as a service.
JavaScript Templates : For web application developers, the '''JavaScript Templates''' engine from TrimPath is a lightweight APL / GPL open-source component that lets you hav...
Raphaël : Raphaël is a small JavaScript library that should simplify your work with vector graphics on the web. If you want to create your own specific chart or...
voxel.css : The goal of this project is to provide a lightweight 3D CSS library with very simple implementation.
Namespace.js is a small javascript script which provide namespacing utilities. It is framework independent. It also allows you to remotely include files.