Drone : Drone is an open source Continuous Delivery platform that automates your testing and release workflows. It is built on container technology. Every bui...
Nx : Nx is a smart and extensible build framework to help you architect, test, and build at any scale — integrating seamlessly with modern technologies and...
dotmesh : Dotmesh captures snapshots from stateful Docker and Kubernetes applications as ’datadots‘, and gives you the ability to label, store and share them as...
Hadolint : A smarter Dockerfile linter that helps you build best practice Docker images. The linter is parsing the Dockerfile into an AST and performs rules on t...
KitchenCI : Kitchen provides a test harness to execute infrastructure code on one or more platforms in isolation.
A driver plugin architecture is used to run code...
Batect allows you to define your development tasks (building, running, testing, linting and more) in terms of one or more Docker containers, run those tasks quickly and consistently everywhere, and easily share them with your team.