Izanami : Izanami is a shared configuration, feature flipping and A/B testing service perfectly well suited for micro services environment written in scala and ...
Appwrite : Appwrite is an end-to-end backend server for Web, Mobile, Native, or Backend apps packaged as a set of Docker microservices. Appwrite abstracts the co...
Istio : Istio is an open platform that provides a uniform way to connect, manage, and secure microservices. Istio supports managing traffic flows between micr...
Temporal : Temporal is a microservice orchestration platform which enables developers to build scalable applications without sacrificing productivity or reliabil...
Otoroshi : Otoroshi is a modern http reverse proxy with a thin layer of api management written in Scala and developped by the MAIF OSS team. Otoroshi is designed...
Envoy is an L7 proxy and communication bus designed for large modern service oriented architectures.