Retrospectiva : Retrospectiva is an open source, web-based, project management and bug-tracking tool.
It is intended to assist the collaborative aspect of work carrie...
Vite : Vite is a build tool that aims to provide a faster and leaner development experience for modern web projects. It consists of two major parts:
A dev se...
TLA : TLA stands for the Temporal Logic of Actions, but it has become a shorthand for referring to the TLA+ specification language and the PlusCal algorithm...
Tilt : Tilt makes it possible to develop all your microservices locally in Kubernetes while collaborating with your team.
Write a Tiltfile script that descri...
OpenHands is a platform for software development agents powered by AI.
OpenHands agents can do anything a human developer can: modify code, run commands, browse the web, call APIs, and yes—even copy code snippets from StackOverflow.