Buildbot : Buildbot is an open-source framework for automating software build, test, and release processes.
Infection Monkey : The Infection Monkey is an open source security tool for testing a data center's resiliency to perimeter breaches and internal server infection. The M...
Tasmota : Tasmota is an open source firmware for ESP8266 based devices.
Total local control with quick setup and updates.
Control using MQTT, Web UI, HTTP or se...
Beehive : Beehive is an event and agent system, which allows you to create your own agents that perform automated tasks triggered by events and filters. It is m... : n8n (pronounced nodemation) helps you to interconnect each and every app with an API in the world with each other to share and manipulate its data wit...
Rhasspy (pronounced RAH-SPEE) is an open source, fully offline voice assistant toolkit for many languages that works well with Home Assistant,, and Node-RED.