picfit : picfit is a reusable Go server to manipulate images (resize, thumbnail, etc.).
It will act as a proxy on your storage engine and will be served ideall...
thumbor : thumbor is a smart imaging service and enables on-demand cropping, resizing, applying filters and optimizing images.
Cropping photos automatically can...
Caire : Caire is a content aware image resize library
Kroki : Convert plain text diagrams to images !
Kroki provides a unified API with support for BlockDiag (BlockDiag, SeqDiag, ActDiag, NwDiag), C4 (with PlantU...
Matrix : Matrix is an open standard for decentralised communication, providing simple HTTP APIs and open source reference implementations for securely distribu...
imgproxy is a fast and secure standalone server for resizing and converting remote images. The main principles of imgproxy are simplicity, speed, and security.