Retrospectiva : Retrospectiva is an open source, web-based, project management and bug-tracking tool.
It is intended to assist the collaborative aspect of work carrie...
Envoy Proxy : Envoy is an L7 proxy and communication bus designed for large modern service oriented architectures.
gRPC : gRPC is a modern, open source remote procedure call (RPC) framework that can run anywhere. It enables client and server applications to communicate tr...
Sonic Pi : Sonic Pi is a new kind of musical instrument. Instead of strumming strings or whacking things with sticks - you write code - live.
Sonic Pi is a compl...
Framasoft : Un réseau dédié à la promotion du « libre » en général et du logiciel libre en particulier. De nombreux services et projets innovants mis librement à ...
CryptoZombies is a free, open source, interactive code school that teaches you to build games on Ethereum. The course is designed for beginners to Solidity and starts off with the absolute basics.